Aftercare instructions
Caring for Your New Tattoo
So, you have a new tattoo, and you’re admiring it as your new piece of artwork!
Importance of Proper Care
One should remember that it’s not just a picture; it is also, in fact, an open wound until the skin fully recovers. So, like any open wound, it is important that you keep the skin clean and protected from germs and the environment to avoid the risk of infection.
Keeping the Bandage Intact
With that said, keeping the bandage intact is very important.
Bandage Care Guidelines
Duration of Bandage Wear
Try to keep the bandage on for 4-6 days. This is just an estimate as every case is different.
Bandage Removal
If the bandage is doing good and the skin is feeling great, you can leave it on for up to 1 week, but don't exceed 7 days.
Don't hesitate to take the bandage off and proceed without the cover if for example the skin around the tattoo becomes red due to an allergy to the adhesive.
Do's and Don'ts:
Monitoring and Maintenance
Keep an eye on it, monitor the state of the covering, making sure it is suitable to keep till the next day.
Surgical Tape Usage
It is okay to tape down some corners of the bandage with surgical tape if needed, if the corners are starting to peel and you're trying to keep the bandage on for an extra day or so.
Fluid Under the Bandage
In the first 48-72h, a bit of liquid/fluid under the bandage is perfectly normal. It should dry out on its own and won't cause any problems, so just leave it.
Avoidance of Soaking and Submerging
Avoid soaking and submerging: no baths, saunas, swimming pools, etc.
Proper Showering Technique
Showers are ok. Try not to blast it with too much water pressure (you don't want to damage the covering). To splash it with water is perfectly fine. Gently tap it after with a clean towel to dry it fully.
Prevention of Excessive Sweating
Try to avoid excessive sweating as that can get trapped under the covering and the bandage will have to come off sooner.
Bandage Removal Process
Gentle Removal
When it is time to take the bandage off, find one of the corners, and start gently pulling. Take your time! You can do it dry or in the shower as it can be less messy.
Post-Removal Care
Do it slowly and make sure the bandage is fully off. After that is done, rinse it off thoroughly with lukewarm water. You can use some gentle non-scented soap. Pat it dry with a clean towel or let it airdry. When fully dry apply a thin layer of Non scented lotion like Lubriderm or Aveeno. Repeat lotion and washing daily until 10 days are reached from when the tattoo was done.
Post-Care Instructions
Extended Care if Bandage Removed Early
If the bandage was taken off sooner than 4 days, you would have to take a bit more care of your tattoo, around 7-10 days, until skin fully flakes off and starts final recovery. During that time don't scratch it or pick it. Wash it daily with non-scented soap and moisturize it with a thin layer of non-scented lotion a couple of times a day or whenever is needed.
Remember not to soak or submerge your fresh tattoo. The showers are fine. You will need 7 to 10 days for the skin to flake off.
Sun Protection
After the tattoo was fully healed, for better longevity of your ink, saturation of colors etc. make sure to apply SPF whenever your tattoo is exposed to the sun. The sun will fade the tattoo with prolonged and excessive exposure. It is also possible to wear a nylon breathable sleeve while outside exercising, biking or even walking the dog.
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